June/July 2018
We have been blessed with a good start to our rainy season. Our planted grazing has emerged and the wheat crop looks great already. Hopefully we have plenty of grazing come August.
Speaking of August its not long now before our Lusanthric foals start dropping. The maiden mares are looking good with the proven broodmares now getting pretty vast. There should be some eye-candy amongst those foals not to mention their athletic ability.
Hoping for fillies out of Sonlig, Emse, Lelie and Midnight. If we get fillies out of Sambuca and True Blue (Tubby) we'll have some pretty ridden broodmares up for sale somewhere next year.
For our breeding experiment we have Adelheid that could be in foal to either Spitfire or Monet Sky.... Don't even ask. DNA testing are done for all our horses so we'll know who done it.
May it rain where your horses graze and may you find shade and water always.
God Bless
Maret Scholtz