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Teelhingste / Stallions

Karorado Stoethings / Karorado Resident Stallion                  Dwasdouw Vlam           (NPH# 0012822235) 


Dwasdouw Vlam (DOB: 28/11/2010) is by Studvet Maximus out of Dwasdouw Tempie. Vlam's grandparents boast the who's who of Nooitgedacht horses with Pretman Tornado and Studvet Maxie on his sire's side and Ubi-cras Vlam and Gillroy Cotton Candy on his dam's side.


Vlam has a kind , sensitive disposition but true to his heritage; he is brave, inteligent and a fast learner. With him we hope to add and/or strenghten to our breedingprogramme the following characteristics: Inteligent, smaller head with big expressive eyes; Elegant neckset and -arch with good length; Strong limbs, good bone and overall strength of structure; Short back, uphill conformation and a powerfull hindquarter; hard and healthy hooves. Considering we have mares that are carriers of the cream gene we wanted a bay/black/chestnut stallion to avoid the production of double creams in future. Vlam has three excellent paces; groundcovering walk, floating trot and a naturally collected canter. We believe Vlam's addition will prove to create a Nooitgedacht that will be the ultimate riding horse for sport or pleasure.






















Vlam came to us as if he was sent. He was the last horse left of the Dwasdouw stud and we immediately jumped at the opportunity to have him as our future stud stallion.


Dwasdouw Vlam was backed November 2014 and is an exceptional quick learner with good work ethic. He is lively but calm, eager to please and already showing an aptitude for doing well in almost all disciplines. He should start his showing career toward the end of 2015 beginning of 2016.


Dwasdouw Vlam has covered two mares: Herneuter Erica and Pramkop Sonlig. Karorado Spitfire (out of Pramkop Sonlig) and Karorado Elite (out of Herneuter Erika) are both colts, born Desember 2015. He also sired the promising filly  Karorado Chiquita (2017), out of Breivilo L Pastel.


During his Stallion -Keuring, Dwasdouw Vlam achieved a score of 85,5% overall. We are proud to have this exceptional stallion as part of our breeding programme.


We would like to extend our thanks to Hennie Spangenberg for breeding such a true to type Nooitgedacht stallion and that we were able to acquire him. May his progeny do his ancestors proud and leave the breed in a state that was envisioned by its founding members.


Toekomstige Stoethings / Prospective Stallion                  Karorado Embuia         (Life Time Registered)


Karorado Embuia is by Calvero Esclavo FM out of one of our foundation mare, Kleinwitberg Emse. Named for his rich bay colour and to signify both parents' starting letter. 


He is an A-appendix Nooitgedachter and has passed Stallion Inspections at the young age of 2 years old and has done his first test breeding to foal down after his 3rd birthday. He will only become available to the public after he has turned 4.  He currently stands at a smidge over 15.2hh at 2yo and should mature 15.3/16hh. He scored 6/9 for type which is very good for a 50% cross showing strong genes from the damline. Mostly 8's and 7's except for the parts that still need to grow into proprotion. He scored an 8/9 for trot and if canter were evaluated in such a young horse he would have scored above average again with his lovely bounding cadenced canter. When we decide to keep him entire for longer we might present him for Merit Inspections and he should as a fully grown stallion score even better than he did now.


The proof of the pudding is in the eating, but looking at his parents he should have an aptitude for dressage and be handy enough to do well in almost all disciplines. He has 3 very good paces and has a very trainable mind whilst being brave and that unmistakable Nooitgedachter love for humans. From his dam line he has strength of character, endurance and a tough constitution, from his sire's side some Spanish flair and aptitude for high school movements. 


We are looking to add bone and height with this stallion without compromising on other prized Nooitgedachter traits. Will be a very good match for finer mares to ensure they have adequate bone quality, will suit more athletic mares for the same reason. 


Keep your eyes peeled for his first progeny to be born end of 2023.



Iberian Stallions

At Karorado Stud we also have started with breeding with Iberian stallions. The reasoning behind this is that we want to introduce a broader genetic base without compromising Nooitgedachter traits we prize and maybe cement a slightly taller Nooitgedachter for the adult market. The Nooitgedachter Breed Society does allow for this to be done using the up-grading breeding system and provided that all subsequent stock passes inspections.


To this end we have used imported and licensed PRE Andalusian Stallion, Calvero Esclavo FM (owned by Candice Hobday) relatively extensively and are very impressed with resulting progeny by him. His first daughters by us will start foaling down from SP Nooitgedachter Stallions end of 2022.




















We are also trying out Il Sisley (owned by Linda Mohr), an imported Italian Lusitano, bred to KWB Emse. She should foal down early 2023. 




















These F1 crossbreds (50% Nooitgedacht x 50% Iberian) will be registered as A-appendix Nooitgedachters. F2 crossbreeds (excess of 75% Nooitgedachter) will be registered as B-appendix Nooitgedachters. 


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