Nuus / News
So with all the Covid madness we managed to be blessed beyond belief. We found a very good temporary worker to help out when Jo-marie went on Maternity leave. Kristen Howse came for a working interview and ended up being locked down with us. Well she came as a God-sent and fit right in. We had a very cold winter this year but luckily better rainfall than we had in a few years. The cover-crop and cash crop did its thing.
For all the blessings we also had our share of bad luck. Maya aborted her precious identical twins at 8months old. Very seldomn do twins last so long and even rarer it is that they are viable after birth.
We said goodbye to Thor and Sahara.
But when the blessings came they came all at once!
First to give birth was KWB Emse; a big strapping bay colt by Calvero Esclavo FM. I don't always know when they are good enough to breed with, but when he dropped I knew I bred my first A-appendix stallion from the Iberian Project.
Second to give birth was Breivilo L Pastel. Another big filly foal, bay that won't go grey. I am blooming lucky right. 4rth time that happend breeding with Esclavo. Of the 4 foals of the second batch Iberian crosses, Karorado Portia is by far my most athletic looking foal. Very excited about this replacement filly.
Third to give birth was Impendulo Sambuca. I thought good Lord, this has to be the ugliest little thing at birth. And then Poco grew into a very handsome black (might go grey) colt.
Yes and true to Sanna's style she made us WAIT FOR AGES. Finally when Gitana was born I nearly fainted with excitedness. She was a girl, she was buckskin and she was NOT GOING GREY! And don't tell Estrella but Gitana is the breeding quality of the two. O who cares, I'd love to have Estrella as my riding horse.
When I said first to give birth I was referring to the Iberian project. Because the first foal to be born this season was Karorado Cody. Cody is out of Impendulo Mosadi (Base animal - Basotho mare) by Dwasdouw Vlam. Cody was named after Cody Rawson Harris - the Horse Master that trained the Black Beauties to act in this year's remake of the classic.
The last horse to give birth has an even more interesting story. Remember when we got Kleinbaas (the Basotho stallion that came from Sutherland) and Roxy. Well on seeing Kleinbaas's teeth I wrote him off as infertile judging him to be around 26yo. So I decided to give him a friend that I also thought was infertile, Breivilo Lelie. Lelie had a foal at foot when I got her in 2013, but since then we tried 2 times with AI and two times with live-cover to no avail to get her pregnant. Low and behold these two made friends and some steamy love it seems and the result is Karorado Tankwa. A very pretty bay colt with a squigly stripe and two white socks behind. And very very friendly!
This concludes our foaling season. But our breeding season is about to start. Our newest addition to our broodmare band, KWB Cover Girl, has settled in very well. CG, Maya, True Blue, Lelie, and Miela are up to be covered over the next two months.
And end of 2021 we finally will be able to breed our first batch Iberian Project mares to our SP Nooitie Stallions. Exciting times!
May you all be spared terrible diseases. Keep safe but remember to enjoy life. And if you want to do something out of doors, make an appointment to meet our beauties in the flesh.
God Bless.