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Hingste van Weleer / Foundation Stallions

Impendulo Vonk


Impendulo Vonk was born 24/04/2013 in the Eastern Cape. His dam is KWB Emse and his sire is KWB Lusanthric. Lusanthric was competing in showing in Gauteng and did very well. Lusanthric also had four foals by Karorado mares that seems to be a very promising foalcrop. Emse gave birth to the full brother to Vonk named: Karorado Everard.


Vonk has inherited his mother's athletisism, hardiness and good constitution and from his sire: elegance, adaptability, exceptional movement and refinement.


Although still very young, Vonk had excellent qualities that would have complimented our older Stallion's progeny.


At the tender age of 3 he has impressed international judge, Rick van Miert,  that scored him 8's for all three gaits. Impendulo Vonk went on to win the 3yo class and have the second highest score of the all breed classes at the 2016 Free Movement Show. A few months later he was presented to the selectors for Stallion-Keuring and passed with merit rating of 85,5%. He is currently the most decorated Nooitgedacht stallion in the Western Cape. Holding the 2016, 2017 and 2018 Western Cape Nooitgedacht In-hand Stallion Championships.


Unfortunately he passed away a few months prior to his 6th birthday. This would have been one remarkable stallion had he the gift of a long life.


KWB Lusanthric

Lusanthric is a very special stallion with an impeccable temperament and athletic ability. He adds some refinement and showy movement to his progeny.


He is the sire of Karorado's young Stud-stallion Impendulo Vonk.



Adup Eno


Eno was used as breeding stallion (until 2012/ 2013 breeding season) while at Impendulo stud. Karorado stud has of his progeny; most of our 2012/13 foals are by him.


He bred very correct legs and backs with an easy going temperament. He is  a carrier for the cream gene (coat colour) but unfortunately the grey gene as well.


Eno was gelded  February 2013.

studvet maximus.jpg
Studvet Maximus


Studvet Maximus was sired by Pretman Tornado out of Studvet Maxie. Maximus is relatively tall at around 15.1hh and has sired another stallion Dwasdouw Tornado as well as our stud stallion Dwasdouw Vlam.

Calabash Pita


Hings van weleer wat voorkom op verskeie plekke in van ons teelmerries se voorgeslagte.

Kleinwitberg Port


Ons is bevoorreg om die vername hings in Breivilo Lientjie te he.  Lientjie het aan moederskant (Wilgerus Lize-marie) KWB Port as oupa.

Pretman Tornado

Grandsire on sire's side, a champion in his time that dominated the showing scene.


Pretman Tornado is Dwasdouw Vlam se Grootvaar aan Vaar's kant. Met 'n pragtige kop en gebalanseerde konformasie was hy met reg Nasionale kampioen vele male op sy dag.

N. Logan

Logan was 'n baie prominente hings in die Nooitgedachter se geskiedenis. Hy kom ook prominent voor in baie van ons teelmerries se voorgeslagte.


Ons het nie regtig baie Predikant in ons perde se voorsate nie, maar hy was gereeld SA Kampioen, hier vertoon tydens 'n skou 1979.

N. Vonk

N. Vonk was een van die oorspronklike Nooitgedacht hingste en is self baie prominent in meeste van ons perde se voorsate.


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